Introduction to Chatbots: Definition and Purpose

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Chatbots are everywhere these days, seamlessly integrating into our daily interactions through various channels. Whether they engage us in conversation vocally or through text, their presence is increasingly felt. While the technology behind chatbots may have roots in the past, it is evolving day by day, with advancements steadily pushing boundaries.

Nowadays, there is a lot of hype surrounding chatbots because many businesses have started using them in their customer service.

So, when you converse with them everywhere seamlessly, questions might arise in your mind like "What is a chatbot?", "Why are they important?", "Why do companies build them?", and the list goes on. These queries, among others, underscore the need for a comprehensive understanding of chatbot fundamentals.

So, in this exploration of Chatbot Basics, we will try to answer all your questions from the definition of chatbots to their purpose in depth in this blog post. Let's delve into what chatbots really are.

➤Definition and Basic Concept

⮚What are Chatbots?

Before understanding chatbots, let's break down the term "Chatbot." The first part is "Chat," which obviously means to converse, and in how many ways do we converse with each other? mostly through spoken words or text.

Now, you might argue that you can I can communicate with my girlfriend through eye contact👀 and that too is a form of conversation. Yes, you have a valid point, but don't say it to any AI enthusiast they might get angry with you💀.


The second part of the word "Chatbot" is "Bot." Now, what is a "Bot"? A "Bot" is programmed to automate (Technologies that minimize human involvement in procedures) specific tasks, like when you search a query on Google, the Google Bot presents you with numerous websites and results. Essentially, bots mimic human behavior, and this word is a short form of "robot." A chatbot is also a type of bot.

robotic arm

                                                                                       Image credits Pexels

So, when you combine these two words "Chat" and "Bot" we will get, it is a computer program, software, or web interface that not only automates specific tasks but also interacts with you through text-based or voice-based conversation. Some of these chatbots work on predefined rules, meaning they won't engage in extensive conversations; you just tell them your task, and they provide you with the result. But the chatbots we mostly use nowadays employ conversational AI, which is trained to interact with humans as if they were humans themselves conversing with each other.

When you hear the term conversational AI, don't get confused. In this section of Chatbot Basics, we'll explain everything in detail, and when you understand these things in detail, you'll realize that you can create one yourself. What was so special about it? It's just that everyone has hyped up artificial intelligence; where is the "intelligence" in it?


⮚Not All Chatbots Are Created Equal

CNN chatbot

The point to note here is that there is a specific chatbot for every task. If a chatbot's job is to provide news, you can't ask it what 2+2 is. Similarly, if a chatbot's job is to solve your math problems, you can't ask who the president of the United States is.

So, you can't really compare Chatbot-A with Chatbot-B in terms of intelligence because technically, it doesn't make sense since each chatbot is a product of distinct training data, configured to fulfill unique objectives.

If you explore further, you'll find countless chatbots. I'll tell you about one just for fun, called KuKi. It's an award-winning chatbot designed purely for entertainment. After reading this blog, be sure to give it a try.

➤Purpose and Importance of Chatbots: Why Chatbots Matter

Now that we've unraveled one piece of the chatbot mystery—'what' they are—let's delve into the other puzzle: 'why.' Why do we require chatbots? Why do developers dedicate time to building them? Why do businesses pour resources into their development? Why are chatbots significant for us, and what roles do they play in various aspects of our lives? These questions unravel the deeper motivations and significance behind the proliferation of chatbot technology.

⮚Why do businesses invest in building chatbots?

Benefits of Chatbots for Businesses

So, let's start with 'Why do businesses invest in building chatbots?' Give a rough guess as to why businesses might invest in chatbots? Share your own thoughts in the comments. The main reason businesses invest in chatbots is for customer service, meaning we, as customers of businesses, expect a good experience, timely responses to our queries, and overall cost reduction.

It's evident that human customer support has its limitations; it may not be accessible round-the-clock, individuals may fall ill, take vacations, or lack proficiency in certain languages, among other constraints, etc.

Businesses face many problems due to these limitations. No doubt they can still expand their business worldwide without using chatbots, but it will be very costly, and if it's a small business, achieving this target is very difficult.

So, in this case, chatbots are very helpful. They are available 24/7, can provide better answers to customer queries, and their cost is also very low. All these things benefit businesses, as they can invest their time in other essential aspects rather than just customer service.

⮚Why do developers build them?

Whenever a developer creates any program or software, there's a need for it in society, and when the need arises, businesses emerge to fulfill that need.

 Now, when developers see that today's generation prefers communicating on social media rather than exploring the internet, they think, why not create a computer program that can chat and gather information on a particular topic. And the result is in front of you, chatbots are available on every social media platform. Like, you can chat with Snapchat's bot, which entertains you, thus increasing Snapchat's user experience, and overall, you spend more time on Snapchat.

Snapchat Chatbot

⮚Why do we need them?

Now, if I ask you whether you would prefer to leave your social media and search for your favorite brand's website on Google to find a jacket according to your preference and budget? Or you would like to simply open a chat on social media, type your preference and budget, and have all the jackets from that brand in front of you, along with knowing which product is on sale? Which option would you prefer?

Obviously, the second option is more convenient for you because you don't have to put in much effort. Let's consider another scenario:

You saw an ad for shoes on Facebook and clicked on it to buy. Now, you're on the brand's messenger or WhatsApp. You asked about the details of the shoes but didn't receive a reply because there's no human being available on customer service. How would you feel?

You would feel disappointed, and I would feel the same way, that a brand with poor customer service must also have a poor product, which is a reality. But brands understand this and use chatbots to make things easier for you and themselves, so the customer doesn't get upset.

⮚Why Chatbots are a big opportunity for you?

By now, you likely grasp the significance of chatbots in various industries and businesses. You've probably noticed how chatbots are popping up everywhere, helping businesses talk to customers, sell products, and solve problems. They're like friendly robots that chat with you online. But why are they such a big deal, and why should you bother learning about them?

Well, think about it this way: in today's world, being able to solve problems is super important. And guess what? Chatbots are really good at solving problems! They make life easier for businesses by answering questions, handling customer requests, and making sure things run smoothly.

And here's the cool part: you don't need to be a computer genius to create chatbots. There are lots of easy-to-use tools out there that let anyone build their own chatbots without needing to know complicated stuff like coding. So, whether you're a student, a job seeker, or just someone curious about tech, learning how to make chatbots can open up all sorts of exciting opportunities for you.

Businesses everywhere are looking for people who understand chatbots and can help them use these clever little programs to improve their services and make more money. And because chatbots can be used in so many different industries – like shopping, healthcare, banking, and more – there are tons of jobs out there for people who know how to work with them.

So, if you want to stand out in today's job market and be part of the exciting tech world, learning about chatbots is a great place to start. Plus, it's not just about jobs – being able to create chatbots lets you be creative and come up with all sorts of cool ideas for how they can be used.

In short, understanding chatbots and learning how to build them can open up a whole world of opportunities for you. Stick around as we explore this fascinating topic further and discover how you can get involved!

➤Wrapping Up

Chatbots are not just a technological marvel; they are an opportunity for everyone. This Blog post has served as a launching pad, equipping you with the knowledge to not just understand chatbots, but potentially create your own! Don't worry there is much more coming on BreakScript where we will dive into every single detail related to chatbots. Don't underestimate the power of these chatty companions.

Imagine the possibilities: streamlining your business processes, crafting engaging educational experiences, or even building a friendly companion. Start exploring, experimenting, and be part of shaping the future of chatbot technology. The possibilities are truly endless, limited only by your imagination and ingenuity. So, dive in, get creative, and share your thoughts in the comments, your feedback is very valuable for me.

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